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    Inspiring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

    The Trek aims to be an opportunity for students from across the world to build a network of peers and advisors, while gaining unique insights to propel them to the next stage of their career development.


    To champion the next generation of innovators, Century Investment opens its doors each year to connect ambitious, entrepreneurially minded college students with creative minds, world-class investors and industry leaders. During the four-day Trek, participants dive headlong into the innovation ecosystem through an immersive learning experience featuring salon-style events, interviews with industry luminaries and hands-on workshops. For general inquiries contact

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  • Experiences from the Frontlines of CIB Trek 2017

  • April: “Trek changed my perception of success.”

    April: "Trek changed my perception of success."

    April Lovelady has worked for NASA, co-founded a biomedical company and earned a Ph.D in engineering. Still, during Trek, she had an aha moment, one she says that gives her new confidence in taking her next step as an entrepreneur.

    Josh: “Trek is like an MBA for entrepreneurship”

    Josh: "Trek is like an MBA for entrepreneurship"

    "Entrepreneurship and talent are universal," said Stanford University undergrad Joshua Browder after attending Trek. Josh is the founder and CEO of Do Not Pay, a company that he started in London and continues to grow in the U.S.

    Eric: “I learned failing is not just OK, it’s a good

    Eric: "I learned failing is not just OK, it’s a good thing."

    Some entrepreneurs spend years searching for a big problem in need of solving. That’s not the case for Eric Blondeel, co-founder of a Canadian medical diagnostics company and Trek participant. A niece’s life-threatening allergy prompted him to act.

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