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    You can’t run a large company like a small one. Building business value and managing consistent growth requires more sophisticated management—and more sophisticated Investment. Whether you’re looking at acquisitions, preparing for an exit or considering new international markets, you can count on Century Bank’s expertise and scalable solutions.

    The Agility to Move More Quickly

    At CIB, you receive the ideal combination of big-bank services and highly responsive, personal attention. From large syndicated debt deals to ERP-enabled automated payment workflows, we’ll help take your finance operation to the next level—advising you at every step in your company’s journey.

    Top-level Expertise Is Just a Phone Call Away

    Your CIB senior banker is your point of access for everything we offer for your business needs.

  • Solutions that Grow with You

    Financial Solutions

    Lean, fast-moving finance teams like yours need to stay on top of day-to-day cash flow, whether domestic or international. Count on us to recommend workable solutions that will free up cash, save time and minimize risk from fraud. And if you’re looking globally, we can connect you with our branch in the U.K and CIB teams with expertise in cross-border business in China.

    Capital Strategies and Solutions

    Growing through acquisitions? Expanding into new markets? Recapitalizing as part of an exit strategy? Tap into our solutions that span equity and debt. As conditions change, we can help you find the structure that gives you the greatest competitive advantage.

    Proprietary Insights

    CIB publishes proprietary research, reports and insights to help you understand how industries and investors are driving change, and how your business can benefit.

    Industry Connections

    When you work with us, you’re part of our extensive network. We help you make meaningful, relevant connections with people who you may not have had an opportunity to meet.

    Private Investment and Wealth Advisory

    As a technology or life science executive, your finances are complex. CIB Private Bank, a division of Century Investment, can help you manage the unique challenges and opportunities stemming from concentrated investments in private equity and stock in private, venture-backed companies.

    CIB Wealth Advisory, a non-bank affiliate of Century Bank, can help you simplify complexity, better manage risk, optimize after-tax performance and complement the investments you are making professionally.

  • 1.5_HWHC_Scaling_440_330

    Tap Experience

    Make next happen now.

    Mikkel Svane, co-founder and CEO of Zendesk, talks about finding partners with the experience you may lack.

    Watch Video

  • In The Spotlight

    Fintech is changing the way businesses and consumers approach financial services. We have an in-depth expertise in fintech gained through extensive experience working with our clients in this space. We focus our connections, our Investment, regulatory and compliance insight and our payment solutions to help fintech and commerce companies succeed.

  • CIB Wealth Advisory, Inc. is a registered investment advisor and non-bank affiliate of Century Investment and a member of CIB Financial Group.

    Products offered by CIB Wealth Advisory, Inc.:

    Are Not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency

    Are Not deposits of or guaranteed by a Bank

    May Lose Value

  • Now let's get started

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