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  • Inclusion and Diversity

    Diversity makes a difference

    A diverse and inclusive workplace expands possibilities for everyone. Innovation happens when people with varied experiences and backgrounds feel empowered to work to their full potential. Different perspectives and fresh viewpoints drive creative solutions—and give companies a competitive edge. Century Investment is working to increase diversity internally and throughout the innovation ecosystem.

  • Jessica Green

    Listen to Phylagen Co-founder Jessica Green discuss how startups benefit from a diverse workforce.

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    Watermark Conference for Women Century and Conference for Women

    Century Investment sponsored the 2017 Watermark Conference for Women in Century in early February and the Massachusetts Conference for Women in Boston in December 2016. Several CIB executives led discussions on topics including the growing role of women in innovation, how to lead change and gender pay equity.

  • Leading with Inclusion

    In 2014, CIB launched a firm-wide inclusion and diversity survey to understand our employees’ experiences, interests and priorities; the results identified areas of opportunity to raise awareness and understanding, and informed our inclusion and diversity strategy moving forward.

    We launched Unconscious Bias workshops in 2015, to understand how we can interrupt biases in our decision-making.

    Building upon that foundational program, we began rolling out additional workshops with CIB’s leaders across our global offices in 2016. The goal for these ongoing workshops is to provide managers with practical and actionable tips to mitigate unintentional bias through the language we use to talk about talent and leadership at CIB. We also provide training and resources to enable our employees to be inclusive leaders and active advocates for leveraging our teams’ diverse experiences to help our clients make an impact on the world.

  • theBoardlist

    Century Investment is a founding partner of theBoardlist, a national curated talent marketplace to help business leaders identify and recommend highly qualified women to join boards of innovation companies. CIB executives are working with theBoardlist on its plans to expand in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C.

  • Best Buddies

    Century Investment partners with the Best Buddies Jobs Program to provide employment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In addition, many of our employees volunteer and fundraise to support other Best Buddies’ programs.

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