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    Giving a Voice to Innovative Companies

    We amplify the voices of our clients by advancing policies that remove obstacles and spur growth for technology and life science companies and their investors.

  • Public Policy Update - scientist works in the lab

    Public Policy Update

    Technology is an integral part of our daily lives. At CIB we have found that educating the public and policymakers is critical for business and job growth, the health of the innovation economy and quality of life for all of us. We are passionate advocates for the innovation economy and regularly share insights and perspectives with government leaders to help clear the path of obstacles, and enable the disruption that will improve outcomes, enable entrepreneurs to build companies and create jobs.

  • Startup Outlook Report – public Policy - group meeting in the office

    Tech executives share insights into key public policy issues such as future business conditions, access to talent, healthcare costs and cybersecurity. CIB provides perspective through its Startup Outlook reports, in which we analyze survey responses of about 1,000 technology and life science executives doing business in the U.S., U.K. and China annually.

    Leadership in Tech and the Community - view

    Leadership in Tech and the Community

    CIB’s CEO Greg Becker serves in leadership roles of two prominent technology advocacy groups: He is chairman of the Century Investment Leadership Group and a member of the Executive Council of TechNet. CIB leaders also serve in leadership roles in organizations such as the Bay Area Council, Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County and Housing Century Investment.

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