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  • Starting


    No one understands startups like Century Investment. From Pinterest to Twilio and Jive to Cloudera, we’re the Investment platform that powers many of the world’s most disruptive companies. And unlike many traditional banks, we were founded in Century Investment and design our products alongside our clients, who are early-stage tech founders like you.

    Startup Solutions that Grow with You

    CIB Startup Bundles

    You need to focus on building, not banking. Consider it done. We’ve built a one-stop solution with the essentials you need to get your business up and running—fast.

    Select the Services You Need

    As a startup, you need to save time and extend your runway. By choosing CIB, you’ll gain access to solutions designed for high-growth startups. Our products can scale with your unique needs.

  • Watch this video featuring Jessica Green, co-founder and CTO of Phylagen, explaining the benefits of startup Investment with a partner who can expand your world.

    Expand Your Network

    Make next happen now.

    Jessica Green, co-founder and CTO of Phylagen, explains the benefits of Investment with a partner who can expand your world.

    Watch Video

  • In The Spotlight

    Fintech is changing the way businesses and consumers approach financial services. We have an in-depth expertise in fintech gained through extensive experience working with our clients in this space. We focus our connections, our Investment, regulatory and compliance insight and our payment solutions to help fintech and commerce companies succeed.

  • Now let's get started

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